TYEC Speeches

Honorable  vice presidents of the  community Zanzibar and Tanzania main land ,honorable secretary general of TYEC and yours deputies,honorable associates leaders of the community  from national levels to regional level ,leaders of partners organizations, directors of firms,political leaders and social leaders representatives ,representatives from government and privates agencies ,distinguish honorable and highly ranked members of TYEC in Arusha, fellow comrades ladies and gentlemen’s.
Vijana hoyee,vijana mpo ,vijana safii………………………………

Todays is the great day thus call it a historical day for we as community leaders and honorable members of the community we have planted in a wet soil a seed which will end not only produce  products as expected but the crop we planted will continue spread and from one profile to another profile and as well as from one layer to another layer and it when the true meaning of our struggle stand and manifest the true vision and mission to unseen daughters and sons of Africa for the last 100 years to come.
Ladies and gentlemen after say to that welcoming word to the year 2014, I will now like call your attention to listen me fully as my today’s speech will be narrative toward the lives and future of our organization.

Ladies and gentlemen you symmetrical remember that our organization started its races early 2010 as the group of innocent youth with the mission to embark education to fellow unable Tanzanian youth who determine to have education as fellow green youth do. But at last month of 2012 the organization gain momentum with determination to strengthen the community through addition of new visions including  open the platform for legal discussion of youth financials  disabilities  as well as communal training of patriotic sons and ladies to take oath in various position in the nation. But with the note in mind that  this particulars will not be achieved  merely without a nutritiveCentre as it will encourage day to day monitoring and strategies toward  the born of Tanzanian strategic tool of youth for social and  financial revolution .
The idea welcomed experts, professionals, groups of youth from different organizations and interested stakeholders from government to private sectors to discuss how to achieve the vision with missioned plans. At the early years of the year 2013 I leaded  a committee of 13 experts and professionals whose enable the foundation of the current TYEC at the mid of  mid of march registration races begins ,and at the 31st.aug.2013 TYEC registered full as the Tanzanian society for youth with determination to serve our youth
Dear daughters and sons of Tanzania  the first duty of our plans has completed with maximum achievement of registering our community ,with now  legitimacy to walk around the country and outside preaching the  energetic class of youth to unite as roadmap toward achievement  of strong TYEC which based on serving the youth of Tanzania classed around  16-49 in years.
Dear  members of TYEC and non- members , our main focus now remain in looking  the opportunities possible  for developments of projects and the general working plan  for TYEC .
But remember we cannot  implement  our all projects at once unless we get offered much funds  and having  many donor’s as much as possible, as is that the facts we only manage to implement  some projects ahead  for consecutive  six months to come after the first launch of our safaris toward  revolution. But remember also that total attainance of funds  will  not also guarantee  our day to day  activities  as the safari to attain  a celebrate  group  of youth to reference the country  on multiple  use of resources  for mutual  achievement  of social ,cultural and financial  difficulties  in the  country.
So honorary I wish to express to you this evening the community priorities as we are determinant in agriculture and non-agricultural projects for this year 2014.
Dear ladies and sons of Tanzania   as I gave my commitment through community  Blog and  time to time  magazine of TYEC  which  you have seen and being part of its approval  by the year 2013.
The first priority projects which admitted and approved  by executive committee of TYEC by the end of December last year  was onion  projects  which determined  to action  at southern part of Tanga pangani
Priorities when setout   according to its implement ability and costs need to initiate the full project was a reasons for   a selection of  a project and its  implement ability and costs need  to initiate  the full projects  was  a reasons for  a selection  of a  projects  and its implementation .
According to rational project plan  developed  by our competent volunteers ,we expect that until  the mid of this year 2014  the community  will  determine how  much the proposed plan will achieve its fruits  until the time analyzed  in our action plan dear ladies  and gentlemen .
Another  priority is millet  and sorghum cultivation  which determine to advance  in central northern zone of Tanzania ,its selection was also determined  by its simplicity  to practice and its environmental relation  based on climatic condition and climatic change ,this reduce its risk  toward crop failure and total loss.
Other priorities based on rice production in morogoro and Tanga   as this will determined  by availability of funds and donors  commitment  towards  day to day  activities of youth  under TYEC 
Bee keeping is among our action plan by this year and honorary I wish promise you for that we are in intensive discussion with government of Tanzania and the ministry of natural resources and tourism, if they will be part of donation of our activities.
Dear members ladies and gentlemen any organization must have its optional tactics of how to reach its designed goals. And here down are some optional projects to enable us to reach the goals we are determined to reach.
Industrial project which designed to take place in northern eastern part of Tanzania as well as southern highland of Tanzania, as catalyst to diversify production and promote development of the community.
With industrial project the target to develop sources of fund for general community development will be reached as the community researched market availability for product here in Tanzania and abroad.
We also determined to have micro-credit and later micro-finance which will later enable the advancement of community commercial bank. With these strategies our members will have the platform to seek fund from TYEC under reasonable condition, with this hope the ideal advocacy of TYEC executive committee will approach to reach its goals.
Dear ladies and gentlemen with this narrative speech you will join me believing that the goals and mission of TYEC will be achieved comfortably within few years to come.
It is my believe that you will be messengers toward achievement of this patriotic safari.
I wish you all the best in the walking for vision and mission of TYEC .but remember “no matter how people encourage or discourage your doings but your inner thinking pattern is the determinant.”
Thanks and we shall be there.
                        VIJANA HOYEEEE!!, VIJANA SAFII,
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