About Us

Tanzania Youth Elite Community with registration No. 18719 under the society’s application rules 1954, rule 5 under registration CAP No 337 R.E 2002 is the community that aims at mobilizing and empowering the youth of Tanzania, economically and socially- with nation interest centered. Tanzania Youth Elite Community (TYEC) intends to improve the lives of Tanzanians as it compasses the group from 16 to 49 years. This age group has been selected intentionally to integrate the lower and upper class of the community respectively, with minimal education level being primary school.Tanzania Youth Elite Community Tanzania Youth Elite Community

Tanzania Youth Elite Community was formed to serve the Youths of Tanzania, to work together with the government, as the number of Youths is at rise, the employment provided by the public and private sector can’t take all graduates, not even a half of them. Educating the all Youths, with public funds, then the youths remain jobless cannot be tolerated, and this can’t be a responsibility of the government only, It has a lot of things to do as we know

Tanzania Youth Elite Community will work and support government initiatives to safeguard the lives of the Tanzanians and the strategies that TYEC have put forward to make sure the youth community is advanced are as follows:

TYEC logo
 Making sure the region resources are exploited for the benefits of the place. TYEC believes that there is no the necessity of the Youths to abandon their very productive lands and move to town where for sometimes are unemployed. We understand that the problem might be the lack of capital including machinery investment and knowledge needed to exploit the resources in their homes. TYEC intends to take the feasibility study of all the Tanzania and establish the project based on the natural resources of the place- the kind of investment that is cost effective.
At starting, TYEC will engage in the following ventures;
ü  Sorghum and Millet cultivation in Manyara, Singida and Dodoma.
ü  Wheat cultivation in Manyara, Arusha- Karatu and Kilimanjaro- West Kilimanjaro.
ü  Onion production in Arusha, Tanga and Iringa.
ü  Bee keeping in Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Morogoro.
ü  Food and beverage processing industries (medium) in Kagera (Potential For East Africa Market), Mbeya (Potential For Southern Highlands, Zambia/Malawi), Tanga potential for other places that the industry can serve.

TYEC, understands that as time goes, it will be able to employ a good number of Youths in Agricultural Project, industrial, business activities and Management but as long as we cannot employ all youths, TYEC intends to launch a Micro- Finance that shall operate national wide responsible for provision of loans to various groups of Youths and individuals to perform Economic activities after TYEC has trained them.

kuwa na vijana wabunifu  na wazalendo  wenye uwezo  wa kushiriki kikamilifu kwenye ujenzi wa taifa na kuimarisha utawala bora ,kwenye maeneo ya kilimo,ufugaji ,uvuvi ,madini,misitu ,viwanda ,utawala  na biashara.
kuwa na taifa la vijana wazalendo  na wenye maisha bora.kwa kuhakikisha kwamba wanapewa elimu  ya ujasiriamali ,elimu  uya uzazi na madawa ya kulevya ,kutoa mikopo kwa wanachama,pamoja nakutoa ajira kwa vijana wanachama kama namna ya kuboresha maisha yao na taifa kwa ujumla.
We also believe these
1.“Great minds discuss ideas,average minds  discuss events,small minds discuss people’’_Eleanor  Roosevelt
2.“Education is the most powerfull weapon  which you can use  to change the world’’_Nelson  Mandela
3.“Live as if you were to die tomorrow .Learn  as if you were to live  forever”-Mahtma  Gandhi
4.“No body who ever gave  his best regretted it._George Halas”
5.“Love is like the wind :you cant see it but you can feel it”_Nicholas Sparks
6.‘’Be kind and mercifull .Let no one ever  come to you Without going away better  and happier.-Mother Teresa.
7.“Seize the moment  .Remember all those women on the ‘ Titanic’ who  waved off the dessert cat.” –Erma Bombek
8.“You  will get anything  you want  in this life ,if you will help enough  other people……..Zig ziglar
9.“No matter how people encourage or discourage  your doings  but you inner thinking pattern  is the determinant”-Saitabau ojung’


Wisdom increase when, A river cuts the rocks not   because  of its power/volume but because  it keep on going, so never lose hope, but defend  and face the challenges  to increase the courage. Keep  on moving towards  the targert, to tell the word  that . there is nothing impossible as long as you  have faith in God” This is the special courage of love to TYEC BY OTHER STAND ORGANISATION IN AFRICA.
How to win discouragement
“We find where conditions are the worst- the place where others are not going –and  that’s where we want to be”

A courage  statement  to TYEC  by others

01.02.2014    “Vijana tunaliangaza taifa”   01.02.2014

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